The Lavender Woods
What is this place, anyway?
Despite its whimsical name, The Lavender Woods is a very real location. A few years ago, we cleared some of our large woodland property in Southern New England, and planted hundreds of lavender plants. It was tough... a major labor-intensive project.
But now it smells of pine trees, lavender, roses and everything else that happens to be in bloom during the season. Our land borders a wildlife conservation area, and we're frequently visited by all kinds of woodland creatures.
As a small business we take pride in hand-crafting our products from the ingredients we grow in our gardens or find at local farms in our part of New England. We also use organic ingredients from reputable apothecaries in the United States and EU.
Our founder, Olga Kyle, is our creative force, the lavender grower and a beekeeper. Olga was born in Moscow, Russia, and lived and traveled all over the world. She was always fascinated by nature and plants, and learned her herbalist skills from healers in Russian villages as well as Ayurveda practitioners in India. She planted and maintained many gardens over the years, and she grew roses and herbs in every one of them. Studying herbs and flowers also continued in many ways. Just over the last few years, Olga attended several classes, workshops and private trainings with the leading studios and herbal and floral farms in New York and California.
We think Olga has a natural talent for growing things and she has a magic touch when it comes to transforming people's environments, moods and outlook on life. She grows beauty and shares it generously with everyone around her. And beauty doesn't mean just pretty things to her, it's more of a concept of Awareness, Balance and Harmony in everything. Olga says basking in the light of happiness, abundance and joy by learning to nourish and heal your spiritual and emotional wounds is the only way to live. She says there is no way to avoid painful experiences in life, but it's important to learn to recover from them quickly, and the beauty, scents and tastes from our flower gardens could lend their magic to you when you need it.
We hope what you find at The Lavender Woods serves you well.
The Lavender Woods team,
From the beautiful gardens
in the woods of Southern New England.
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